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The Balanced Accountant - How to Achieve a Better Work/Life Balance
Virtual Event
Thursday, October 19, 2023, 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM ADT
Category: Continuing Professional Development

The Balanced Accountant- How to Achieve a Better Work/Life Balance 

This inspiring webinar will examine solutions that provide a pathway to achieve a better and healthier work/life balance, identify and appreciate priorities and boundaries, learn how to manage stress and so that it doesn’t manage you, and discover effective time and task management solutions that really work. 

If there are times when you find yourself struggling to balance the demands of a busy and occasionally challenging career with the demands of a personal life – one that sees you with obligations to family, friends and your own mental/ emotional health and wellness, then this is course for you. Being a professional accountant will always mean making some sacrifices, but does it not make sense to find a better, smarter, and healthier balance between what we do for a living and our lives with family and friends beyond work? Together we will explore in depth how to find that better balance between our careers and our personal lives, reveal realistic and practical solutions for managing stress and review common sense time and task management tips. 


  • Discover what it takes to get a better and healthier / happier work/life balance.
  • Develop and embrace personal and professional boundaries.
  • Learn how to manage stress and stressful situations.
  • Become more efficient with improved time and task management practices


  • Communicating your needs and having conversations that lead to better boundaries.
  • Examining the importance of goal setting and respect needed for priorities. 
  • Discussion around the value of trimming less important activities from a busy career /life.
  • Recognizing and appreciating a more balanced and healthier approach to technology.
  • Creating a personal stress survival “toolbox.”
  • A review of various effective time and task management tips to improve productivity.


Would be a webinar of particular interest to the accounting professional who appreciates life skills, improving their time management abilities and is striving to enjoy a healthier and more balanced approach to their careers and personal lives. 


This webinar is open to any accountant at any level that is seeking a better understanding of how to achieve a better and healthier work / life balance.


Contact: [email protected]